The Dangers Of Emotionalized Christianity

By Pastor Grady Clark


This is a four part devotional which taken from the book “The Dangers Of Emotionalized Christianity” written by Pastor Grady Clark of Calvary Chapel River oaks wrote entitled “The Dangers Of Emotionalized Christianity”. You can read the PDF book by going to the recourses tab and then click on the PDF books. 

I urge you to Pray that the Holy Spirit lead and guide you as you read these devotionals.

Todays Bible Teaching (TBT)


This book is written in order to examine Christianity from a Scriptural standpoint. I believe in our culture today, the church has somehow identified faith with emotion or feeling. This presents itself in many ways throughout our lives. My intent is to look at many of these areas and compare how the emotionalized church views these things vs. what God’s Word teaches. I will also use the term Americanized Christianity throughout this book. I believe that these two terms go hand in hand. I also will make the point of how important it is that we continue to read and study God’s word asking for wisdom and understanding as we navigate through this fallen world. There is a big movement today to preach and teach only the positive promises of God’s word, but when it comes to sin, and the need for repentance, that’s shied away from in order to not offend or push people away. The church is filled with the feel good mentality, but in reality many have no idea what a relationship with Jesus Christ is all about. I will even go as far as to say that some churches today are nothing more than a platform for motivational seminars with self- help motivational speeches. We will touch on this more as we go through this book. Again, we will be going through this book with many scriptural references. I pray that it will be encouraging but also convicting to God’s people.

